Digital Cloud is my collection of VN related information, from reviews to thoughts.

Monday, October 14, 2013

What's happening with Yumina Walkthrough + More

I'm sure some of you are wondering what's going on with my Yumina walkthrough, as I haven't updated it in over a month and haven't responded to comments lately. I still plan on working on and expanding the walkthrough, but I have not progressed past chapter 4 or gone back to try alternate routes since my last update. Real life has been a major part of it for me due to personal issues and having to take over some extra duties at work due to one of the other supervisors quitting and the fact we're gearing up for the holiday season. More than likely this is going to continue to persist through the holidays since we're going to start having to have more supervisors on one shift due to the increase in sales and front-end associates. Coupled with schoolwork and household obligations, my free time is pretty limited, and as of right now I don't have the time or mood to dungeon grind to finish up Yumina. I'm still playing story VNs for reviews right now though since it's a lot easier to spend 15 minutes on a story/light gameplay VN than it is a more hardcore gameplay VN like Yumina.

Because of this, for now my walkthrough is just going to cover events to get the chapter end h-scenes and not necessarily for character routes. One frequent comment I've noticed on the walkthrough is not getting on a specific characters route. I had mentioned before the walkthrough that this was primarily for the h-scenes, but I will say it again for clarification; this walkthrough is not for character routes, just for the chapter scenes. Following my main walkthrough will get you onto Ai's route, not any of the other girls. For those, you'll have to sacrifice the end of chapter scenes for the route you want, as I have yet to find a way to do Kirara and Yumina's events while getting Ayumu's skills.  The alternate routes listed for each chapter are your better chance for their character routes. I will eventually expand the walkthrough for exact route specifics and CGs, but for now, this is how it's going to stay until I have the time and mindset to finish up Yumina. 

I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped out people with questions in the walkthrough comments about the game. I sincerely appreciate it since I can tell this game is a bit frustrating and I haven't had the time to get through the game or help commenters. 

I have also been working on another VN related project that I feel like pouring my time into. I can actually take the materials with me to work or when I'm out of the house on errands, so I've had a bit of time to put to it while in waiting rooms and on breaks and lunch. As of right now, this project is going to stay a secret except from one other person I've contacted to help me with it as of right now.  Once I make more leeway on progress on it, I'll publicly announce the project, but for now my lips are sealed on the matter. I've poured enough time into it so far already though that I do plan on finishing it. With my tight schedule, I'm hoping to maybe have enough put into it to announce the project by years end or early next year.